Archive for the ‘Nature’ Category
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015
The time: December 22, 2015, 10:48 am. The setting: Intersection of Pennsylvania Ave. and 18th Street NW, Washington, DC.

In the wake of a light rain shower, two spots of colorful efflorescence appear on the surface of the asphalt.

Are these not astronomical images, the one suggesting a spiral galaxy and the other an eclipsed star?


More about oil blooms on wet streets, here. The phenomenon–known in physics as oil film interference–is exhaustively explained here. Check out this brilliant Instagram shot of what looks like a furry jellyfish floating through space.
For a previous post of mine discussing another instance when mother nature displays her art on man’s concrete, click here.
Tags:oil blooms, oil film interference, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC
Posted in Nature, Photos | No Comments »
Wednesday, January 7th, 2015
Yesterday’s drifting snow in Glover Park turned a cautionary sign into really bad advice:

Cleaned up, the sign reveals its original intent (click on image to enlarge):

For additional information about these safety signs, go to
Several blocks to the south, in Georgetown, someone turned their mini-dumster into a four-sided plea:

Tags:"Drive Like Your Kids Live Here", "Drive Like Your Kids", Georgetown, Glover Park, Please Do Take Your Poo With You, Washington DC
Posted in Humor, Nature, Photos | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
On a lunchtime walk today I saw a landscape crew placing fall mums in the sidewalk tree boxes. Arrested by the color, I raised my iPhone and shot several photos. Midway through the series I remember sensing a disruption to the scene. There was the sound of fluttering wings and then a sudden streak from left to right on the screen, gone in a flash. Only later while looking through all the photos did I see what the camera had caught.
The scene:

The photobomber:

Tags:accidental capture on camera, fall mums, flying, Magritte, photobomb, photobomber, photobombing, Pigeon, street photography, the decisive moment, Washington DC
Posted in Nature, Photos | No Comments »
Friday, June 6th, 2014
Google Map’s “Street View” can show you scenes of life in distant lands, as here and here. But it can also give you a new perspective on what’s to be seen right outside your own front door, as in this view of the maturing crown of an elm tree I planted many years ago.
(c) 2014 Google Image Date: 2011
Tags:Elm tree
Posted in Nature, Photos | 1 Comment »
Saturday, December 14th, 2013
Trunk of an aged sycamore tree, outside Rosedale Conservancy:

Autumn leaves, viewed from an office window overlooking 19th Street, NW:

The second of three morning yawns:

Tags:Golden Retriever, Jesse, Rosedale Conservancy, Trees
Posted in Dogs, Jesse the Golden Retriever, Nature, Photos | No Comments »
Saturday, April 20th, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013, was a fine Spring day in Washington’s Glover Park. There, in a stretch of fields bordered by Foundry Creek and a north/south hiking trail, I found these views.



Tags:District of Columbia, Foundry Creek, Glover Park, Spring, Washington DC, Wildflowers, yellow
Posted in Nature, Photos | No Comments »
Friday, January 4th, 2013
A photo of contrails above Washington DC, in the clear morning air of January 3rd, 2013. You can see a new vapor trail being formed by a jet in the lower left quadrant, while in the upper left corner a bird tries to horn in on the action (click on photo for enlargement). This view is toward the East North East.

Tags:bird, blue sky, condensation trail, contrail, contrails, jet, vapor trail, Washington DC
Posted in Nature, Photos | No Comments »