This is my initial blog entry . . .

. . . and it may just as well begin with a caveat, in the form a story I heard years ago:

One workday morning a fellow submits a report to his boss.  Later that day he’s called into his boss’s office where he’s asked, “Is this the best you can do?”  Chastened, the fellow returns to his cubicle and spends the next hours scrubbing through the document, making what he hopes are improvements.  He hands in the revision.  The next morning he finds the report  on his chair seat, along with a short note: “Is this the best you can do?”  Now near panic, he pulls an all-nighter, revising the text from start to finish, double-checking references, and in the morning places it on his boss’s desk.  That afternoon, back in his cubicle, he sees his boss approaching fast, waving the report.  The boss barks, “I’m serious now.  Is THIS the best you can do?”  The poor fellow sighs and lets out a quiet “Yes.”  His boss pauses a moment and responds, “Okay then, now I’ll read it.”

And so this blogger humbly entreats you to consider any item read here to be . . . an initial report.


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